工作職責 Job Responsibilities
1. 根據保安相關規定,負責做好放火、防盜、防事故等工作,保障園內安全
Responsible for arson, theft and accident prevention to ensure the safety of the kindergarten according to the security regulations
2. 嚴格按照驗證制度,防止未經許可的人員進入幼兒園,維護幼兒園的治安秩序
Strictly follow the verification system to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the kindergarten and maintain the public order of the kindergarten
3. 負責做好幼兒園信件的登記發放工作
Responsible for the registration and distribution of kindergarten letters
4. 及時處理幼兒園內發生的各種突發事件并及時報告
Deal with all kinds of emergencies and report in time
5. 樹立嶄新保安人員風貌,做好門衛室、操場、走廊衛生保潔工作,維護幼兒園形象
Set up a new style of security personnel, do a good job in cleaning the playground corridor of the guard room, maintain the image of the kindergarten
6. 完成領導安排的其它臨時性任務
Complete other temporary tasks assigned by the leader
任職資格 Job qualification
1.有保安證優先Security certificate is preferred
2.有愛心,有責任心,關愛小朋友,服從管理,有較強的安全意識Caring, responsible, caring for children, obey management, have a strong sense of safety
3.人品端正,愛崗敬業,工作態度細致,踏實,能吃苦耐勞Good character, dedication, work attitude meticulous, steadfast, can bear hardships and stand hard work.
南京 - 棲霞
江蘇匯銘志教育科技(集團)有限公司南京 - 雨花臺
南京御鐘山幼兒園南京 - 六合
南京桔子方舟教育培訓中心有限公司南京 - 江寧