艾布納(ABNEN)創建于1996年,是一家領先的化學密封和粘合材料技術研究、制造以及應用的專業公司。自主研發的產品廣泛應用于汽車、航空航天、船舶、電子等多個行業。在中國真空浸滲技術領域, ABNEN擁有超過50%的市場份額,構建了由21個工廠、廠中廠以及就近來料加工工廠組成的強大網絡。作為中國浸滲解決方案的開創者, ABNEN是首家成功進入大眾汽車全球供應系統的供應商。公司在研發方面大力投入,將超過營收的10%用于研發費用。展望未來,公司制定了新的戰略計劃。這一戰略舉措旨在加強對導熱材料、新能源硅片、AI等領域的投資,并加速國際化進程,布局海外市場,同時公司正準備籌劃上市,登陸國內資本市場。 ABNEN, founded in 1996, is a leading company specializing in the research, manufacturing, and application of chemical sealing and bonding material technologies. Its independently developed products are widely used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, marine, and electronics. In the field of vacuum impregnation technology in China, ABNEN holds over 50% of the market share and has established a strong network consisting of 21 factories, in-factory plants, and nearby material processing factories. As the pioneer of impregnation solutions in China, ABNEN is the first supplier to successfully enter the global supply system of Volkswagen. The company invests heavily in research and development, allocating more than 10% of its revenue to R&D expenses. Looking ahead, the company has formulated a new strategic plan. This strategic initiative aims to strengthen investment in areas such as thermal interface materials, new energy silicon wafers, and AI. It also seeks to accelerate the process of internationalization by expanding into overseas markets. At the same time, the company is preparing to go public and enter the domestic capital market.