職位描述: Job description: 1.按公司流程進行采購貨物的詢價、比價和采購工作; Conduct inquiry, price comparison and procurement of purchased goods according to the company's procedures; 2.負責采購合同的談判、簽約、變更、索賠等事宜,有效控制成本; Be responsible for the negotiation, signing, change, claim and other matters of the purchase contract, and effectively control the cost; 3.負責采購貨物的進度跟蹤; Track the progress of purchased goods; 4.負責采購合同及相關資料的保存、歸檔管理工作,建立臺賬; Be responsible for the storage, filing and management of the purchase contract and relevant data, and establish the standing book; 5.負責貨物發票的接收、核對、登記報賬并及時將發票移交財務部門; Be responsible for the receipt, verification, registration and reimbursement of goods invoices, and timely transfer the invoices to the financial department; 6.按訂單約定辦理申請付款手續; Apply for payment according to the purchase order; 7.按時完成領導交辦的其他工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by leaders on time. 職位要求: Job requirement: 1.大專以上學歷; College degree or above; 2.英文聽說讀寫熟練; Proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading and writing; 3.熟練操作excel等辦公軟件,有3年以上的采購相關工作經驗; Proficient in operating excel and other office software, with more than 3 years of purchasing related work experience; 4.熟悉采購流程,工作細致認真,責任心強,具有較強的團隊合作精神; Be familiar with the procurement process, work carefully, have a strong sense of responsibility, and have a strong team spirit; 5.有較強的抗壓能力,能適應快節奏的工作. Have strong pressure resistance ability and can adapt to fast-paced work.
中船麥基嘉船舶裝備有限公司(以下簡稱公司)系由麥基嘉公司和南京中船綠洲機器有限公司新成立的合資企業。公司的定位是:·負責中國市場的產品推廣和銷售;·業務經營范圍包括研發、工程設計、銷售、生產組織、供應鏈管理、售后服務等除生產以外的全產業鏈。公司的產品系列包括:·Macgregor(麥基嘉),Pusnes,Hatlapa(哈特拉帕),TTS和LuZhou(綠洲)牌甲板機械;·Macgregor(麥基嘉),Hatlapa(哈特拉帕), Porsgrunn(波什格倫)和LuZhou(綠洲)牌舵機;·Macgregor(麥基嘉)牌GL, GLB and GLBS型號船用起重機和TTS軟管起重機,供應品起重機等。公司將聚焦中國市場并致力于成為每個細分市場的領導者,在未來的幾年里,使錨絞產品市場占有率達到30%,舵機產品市場占有率達到20%,吊機產品市場占有率達到45%;公司將充分利用全產業鏈的優越條件,本土研發和制造的平臺優勢,以及雙方母公司的強大背景支持,實現相關產品市場占有率均超過50%,年銷售規模保持在10億人民幣的遠景目標,最終成為相關產品技術的世界引領者,成為世界一流的船用設備企業。