Job Title:
Officer/Assistant Officer (Academic Personnel and Research and Talent Project Services)
Department:Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST (GZ)
The appointee will provide support to the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences thrust in Function Hub of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST (GZ)). Major responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
Job duties:
1. Support the thrust's Academic Personnel by assisting with faculty recruitment processes, onboarding processes, report writing, meeting arrangement, and providing daily support to faculty members;
2. Assist with the application process for research grants and talent schemes; prepare documents for funding application;
3. Assist postdoctoral fellows and research assistants with their onboarding procedures;
4. Aid in the preparation and execution of the approval process for Thrust's academic programs, while serving as the program secretariat;
5. Administer academic policies and advise faculty, staff, and students on policy matters;
6. Render logistics support of the Thrust daily operation; tracking and purchasing of office inventories and equipment; processing the purchase and reimbursement in compliance with University regulations;
7. Office arrangements for new faculty and staff;
8. Handle financial/personal related documents filing and database maintenance;
9. Liaise with internal and external parties in response to inquiries and requests on the Thrust;
10. Assist in Thrust events and other ad hoc duties as assigned.
1. 學術人事支持:協助地球與海洋大氣科學學域學術人員招聘流程、撰寫報告、安排會議以及為教職員工提供日常支持;
2. 協助學術人員申請科研項目及人才項目,并準備項目申請文件;
3. 協助博士后研究員和研究助理完成入職程序;
4. 協助準備和執行 學域學術項目的審批流程;
5. 執行學術政策,并就政策相關事宜為教職員工和學生提供咨詢;
6. 為學域的日常運營提供后勤支持;跟蹤并采購辦公用品和設備;按照大學規定處理采購和報銷事宜;
7. 新教職員工的辦公室安排;
8. 處理財務/個人相關文件的歸檔和數據庫維護;
9. 就學域相關咨詢和請求與內部和外部各方進行聯絡;
10. 協助學域活動及其他臨時指派的任務。
1. A master’s degree or above in English language and literature or education preferred;
2. 2-3 year working experience in project management and faculty recruitment in university or research institute setting in HK or overseas preferred;
3. Able to multi-task with good communication skills;
4. A strong team player with good organizational and interpersonal skills, a solution-driven mindset, a high sense of responsibility, confidentiality, and service consciousness;
5. Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese;and
6. Proficiency in MS Office.
1. 英語語言文學或教育專業碩士及以上學歷優先;
2. 具有 2 - 3 年在香港或海外大學或研究機構從事項目管理和學術招聘的工作經驗者優先;
3. 能夠同時處理多項任務,具備良好的溝通能力;
4. 具有良好的團隊合作精神,組織能力和人際交往能力出色,以解決問題為導向,責任心強,注重保密,服務意識強;
5. 良好的英語和中文書面及口語表達能力;
6. 熟練掌握微軟辦公軟件。
***Please submit your Chinese and English CVs. 請提交中英文簡歷
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