
更新于 12月4日


  • 廣州南沙區
  • 1-3年
  • 碩士
  • 全職
  • 招4人




Job Title: Scientific Officer/Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager/Manager
Department: Marine Hydrodynamic Research Facility (MHRF), HKUST(GZ)
Job ID:

Job Posting Details

Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents.

In response to the increasingly complex challenges faced by the rapidly changing world, HKUST(GZ) adopts a brand-new and cross-disciplinary academic structure featuring “Hub” and “Thrust” to substitute the conventional one characterized by “school” and “department”, facilitating cross-disciplinary integration while vigorously developing emerging and frontier disciplines. This is a groundbreaking move in the higher education community across the globe.

HKUST(GZ) comprises four Hubs, namely Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, Society Hub and 16 thrusts. The admission of undergraduate students begins in 2023, with the first batch of programs covering artificial intelligence, data science and big data technology and smart manufacturing engineering.

Laboratory Information
The Marine Hydrodynamic Research Facility (MHRF) is the central research facility of the HKUST(GZ) campus. It is shared and used by the Clear Water Bay campus and the Guangzhou campus of HKUST. Currently under construction in Phase 2 of the HKUST(GZ) campus, it will become the only large-scale marine engineering experimental center in the Greater Bay Area after completion.


Include but are not limited to:
1. Cooperate with the laboratory construction-related work.
2. Assist in selecting, procuring, installing, commissioning, and testing various laboratory equipment and experimental instruments.
3. Responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the laboratory.
4. Provide technical support for the operation and control of experimental instruments and assist in physical model tests.
5. Undertake other ad hoc duties as assigned by the supervisor.

1. 配合開展實驗室建設相關工作。
2. 配合實驗室各設備及實驗儀器的選型、采購、安裝、調試和測試等。
3. 負責實驗室日常運營和維護。
4. 配合開展模型試驗,提供實驗室設備和儀器操作和控制方面的技術支持。
5. 完成主管交辦的實驗室其它相關工作。


Professional requirements
Related majors include hydraulic engineering and marine engineering (such as port engineering, ocean engineering, coastal and offshore engineering, deep-sea engineering, etc., as well as mechanical engineering, mechatronics engineering, and automation majors related to these fields).


Qualification Requirements
1. Master's degree or above in relevant fields.
2. Experience in physical model tests related to hydraulic engineering or ocean engineering.
3. Priority will be given to those with experience in applying for and implementing national or provincial scientific research projects or working in national-level scientific research platforms.
4. Proficient in professional software and equipment operation, familiar with laboratory equipment such as wave-making, flow-making, wind-making, and related data acquisition instruments.
5. Passionate about your own career. Demonstrate a strong team spirit and meticulous attention to detail.
6. Good language expression and English writing skills.

1. 上述相關專業碩士及以上學歷學位。
2. 有水利工程或海洋工程相關的物模試驗項目經驗。
3. 有國內外知名水利科學與海洋工程相關的高校或科研院所工作經驗的優先考慮;有國家或省級科研項目申報和實施經驗,或國家級科研平臺相關工作經驗者優先考慮;在相關專業領域發表過期刊論文、國家發明專利或取得過相關競賽獎勵者優先考慮。
4. 良好的專業軟件運用和儀器設備操作能力,熟悉實驗室內造波、造流、造風等設備以及相關數據采集儀器。
5. 喜歡自己的專業,工作認真負責,具備良好的合作能力。
6. 具備較好的語言表達及英文書寫能力。

This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.





香港科技大學(廣州)是一所經國家教育部批準設立的內地與香港合作大學,是《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》及《廣州南沙深化面向世界的粵港澳全面合作總體方案》頒布實施以來成立的首家具有獨立法人資格的內地與香港合作辦學機構,于2022年6月正式成立。香港科技大學(廣州)銳意創新,以發展融合學科為特色,探索創新人才培養模式,以建設成為內地與香港教育融合發展的典范、國際知名的高水平大學為己任,致力于培養面向未來的高水平創新型人才。香港科技大學(廣州)由廣東省人民政府依法進行管理。學校開展本科和碩博士層次教育,按照國家統一招生政策規定招收本科生,依照港科大(廣州)及港科大的畢業要求,頒發香港科技大學(廣州)畢業證書、學士學位證書及香港科技大學學士學位證書,依據有關規定及學校的畢業要求實施香港科技大學碩士學位和博士學位教育,頒發香港科技大學碩士學位和博士學位證書。為了應對世界和人類社會面臨的日趨復雜的重大挑戰,香港科技大學(廣州)采用全新的、融合學科的學術架構,以“樞紐”(Hub)和“學域”(Thrust)取代傳統學科學術架構的“學院”和“學系”,推動學科交叉融合,同時大力發展新興學科和前沿學科。這在全球高等教育界是一項創舉。香港科技大學(廣州)下設功能樞紐(Function Hub)、信息樞紐(Information Hub)、系統樞紐(Systems Hub)、社會樞紐(Society Hub),下設15個碩博士專業。學校首批開設人工智能、數據科學與大數據技術、智能制造工程等三個本科專業,將于2023年開始招生。香港科技大學(廣州)位于廣州市南沙區慶盛樞紐,辦學地址為篤學路1號。學校占地面積約1669畝,項目分兩期建設:其中項目一期用地面積約716畝,一期總建筑面積約63.6萬平方米,于2022年9月正式投入使用。校園設計利用自然景觀與建筑共融,并在設計及建設過程中融入節能、環保的關鍵性前沿技術,致力于將校園打造成為綠色、智慧、可持續發展的新標桿。
主站蜘蛛池模板: 郎溪县| 高邮市| 惠来县| 上饶县| 类乌齐县| 天等县| 榆林市| 扶绥县| 迭部县| 永德县| 泸水县| 城口县| 安顺市| 镇安县| 改则县| 江陵县| 上杭县| 松江区| 大安市| 太仆寺旗| 阳曲县| 延庆县| 永宁县| 和静县| 仁怀市| 许昌县| 杨浦区| 城市| 囊谦县| 忻城县| 和顺县| 疏附县| 盐边县| 恭城| 泸西县| 大名县| 万山特区| 文成县| 塔城市| 巴东县| 哈尔滨市|