鄭州磊展科技造紙機械有限公司(原鄭州弘達造紙設備有限公司,成立于1985年)是專業的廢紙制漿成套設備生產企業。公司集研發、制造、銷售為一體,現成功研發出具有市場影響力的中濃壓力篩、內流式壓力篩、D型碎漿機,成為國內研制該設備的領先者。公司位于交通便利的鄭州新密,占地60畝,總資產5000萬元,企業員工200人,其中中高級工程師10人,并通過ISO9001質量管理體系的認證,擁有14項專利技術。磊展以低碳環保為設計理念,注重國際技術交流與合作,主要產品系列有廢紙輸送、廢紙散包篩選除渣、廢紙碎解、重質除渣、篩選、脫墨、濃縮、熱分散、磨漿、攪拌及漿料輸送等,可以為國內外客戶提供年產量30萬噸的成套制漿造紙機械的設計、制造、安裝和服務。目前,產品已行銷全國二十多個省、市、自治區,并出口越南,以色列,馬來西亞、印尼、柬埔寨等國際市場。磊展擁有數控切割機、噴砂系統,立式、臥式數控車床,龍門刨銑床,立式鏜床,自動連續埋弧焊接機,數控折彎機,數控剪板機,卷板機,1200噸壓力機,高速動平衡校正機,總裝試驗臺等加工檢測設備。精良的加工機械與專業的技術人員生產出優良的廢紙制漿設備。經過30余年的發展,面對新的市場環境和競爭壓力,磊展將不斷完善和強化企業品牌經營戰略,將質量和服務作為企業長遠發展的根本,實施科技和管理的共同創新,以制漿設備為主,積極向國際市場邁進。ZhengzhouLeizhan Technology Paper making machinery Co.,Ltd is a professionalmanufacturer of pulp and papermaking equipments, which engaged in research anddevelopment, manufacture and sale, now has successfully developed themarketable high consitency pressure screen, inflow pressure screen and D typeHydrapulper, and become the leader manufaturer in this area for the domesticmarket.This company is located in ZhengzhouCity, Henan Provice, covering 40 thousand square meters. It has total assets of50 million, over 200 employees including 10 senior engineers. This company hasbeen certified for State ISO9001 Quality System Certification and owns 14patents. Leizhan is designed with low carbon enviromental protaction, pays moreattention to the international technical cummunication and cooperation, The main series of the products arewaste paper delivery, waste paper bale breaking and screening, waste paperpulping, heavy slag cleaning, screening, deinking, concentration, heatdispersion, pulping, mixing and pulp conveying etc.Leizhan has processing and testingequipment like CNC cutting machine, sand blasting system, vertical andhorizontal CNC lathe, planer milling machine, vertical boring machine,automatic continuous welding machine, CNC bending machine, CNC shearingmachine, veneer reeling machine, 1200 tons of press machine, high speed dynamicbalance correction machine, assembly test table etc.By more than 30 year’s development, facing thenew market condition and competition, we will improve and strengthen our brandstrategy continuously, regard quality and service as the foundation of long-rundevelopment, by implementing the innovation of technology and management, basedon pulper equipment, we strive forward to the international stage actively.