Welcome to Wit TranslationAs a professional LSP, Shenzhen Wit Translation& Consultation Co., Ltd.( Wit) has a proven track record and specializes in fields of financial, legal and marketing sectors. Leveraging the booming export-oriented economy and prosperous financial market in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Wit dynamically taps robust markets including HK, UK and US as well as other developed regions by its keen business insight and sound team, thus, winning the extensive trust and recognition from high-profile clients both at home and abroad.Currently supported by over hundrends of senior editors and experienced translators, Wit enjoys a high-caliber translation team of dozens of employees. Pursuant to the operation philosophy of quality-based and customer-focused, Wit strictly controls the project management process and real-time tracking systems of translation works, and succeeds in establishing long-term strategic partnership with an array of listed companies and overseas clients惟特商務咨詢公司(“惟特”)是一間實力雄厚的語言服務機構,擁有穩健的業務營運團隊和頂尖的外語人才陣營。惟特獨辟蹊蹺,以財經、法律及品牌營銷領域為核心,開辟出了大中華地區領先的翻譯業務模式,向全球數十家知名客戶提供24小時一站式策略性撰稿、翻譯及印務等語言文化服務,主要涉及財經法律及transcreation類等三大高端翻譯領域,其中包括上市公司定期報告、投行股評報告、廣告軟文、企業畫冊及各類口譯項目等。惟特辦公地址位于深圳市最具影響力的福田中心區核心地段,背靠蓮花山,面朝深圳灣,西接會展中心,東望華強北商業街,公交、地鐵路線四通八達,銀行、證券、會議展覽及休閑娛樂設施一應俱全。當前公司正在大力擴充人才資源,以有效支持公司核心領域的撰稿與翻譯、DTP等一站式語言解決方案業務的飛速發展。歡迎具有語言天賦的有志之士踴躍應征!待遇從優。