常州樂奧醫療科技有限公司是海外歸國人員創立的、致力于高端醫療器械研發、制造和銷售的高科技中外合資企業。擁有具備國際視野和豐富醫療器械研發、生產、品質和銷售經驗的優秀團隊,團隊核心成員擁有多年在海外工作和國際國內領先企業從事研發、銷售的經驗。Leo Medical Co., Ltd. is a high-tech medical enterprise. We dedicate our work to research, develop, manufacture and market advanced medical devices. We have excellent teams of researchers, engineers, quality assurers and marketers. Many of them have extensive experience in their fields, and have collaborated with experts in various prestigious domestic and international institutions and companies in medical device development field.公司采用領先的生物醫療技術,服務于消化系統和血管循環系統疾病的診斷和治療。公司目前已經研發的產品覆蓋消化和血管介入治療的微創醫療器械。公司秉承關注人、依賴人和服務人的理念,研發符合中國患者特點和中國醫生使用習慣的醫療器械產品,為醫生提供方便,為患者減輕病痛。Leo Medical utilizes leading biomedical technologies to develop medical devices for assisting the diagnosis, intervention and treatment of diseases in the digestive system and cardiovascular system. We believe in minimal invasive approach being the most human approach to the patients while not compromising the quality of the procedure. Minimal invasion in medical treatments often allow patients to recover quicker, and doctors to have simplify medical operation. It is a win-win approach for all. We stand by our believes and will continually devote our focus in this area.公司注重安全和質量,擁有符合國家質量體系標準的一萬級凈化車間和高品質的檢測平臺,確保每一件產品的質量。公司通過ISO13485質量體系認證,合乎國際質量管理體系要求。In addition to features, more importantly, we highly emphasis on safety and quality of our products. Our products are manufactured in 10,000 Class Clean Room(Equivalent to Grand B of ISO standards). We follow repeatable and practical SOPs for product testing online and offline. Leo Medical is accredited with ISO13485:2003 Certificate of Quality Management System and is in fully compliance with The Requirements of International Quality Management System.