廣州策源電子科技有限公司(香港佳瑪娛樂科技)自2009經年以來致力于5D/7D動感影院的研發生產,在伺服控制系統和電動系統方面,積累了豐富的驗。2015年順應時代潮流,是最早一批將VR科技應用到游戲行業的公司。我司致力于VR游戲設備的研發與生產,現有的設備有9DVR影院,基于HTC頭顯的 VR行走平臺,體育競技類VR及兒童類VR等。公司位于游戲設備中心--廣州番禺,交通便利。我司擁有專業軟硬件團隊以及計團隊,可提供根據客戶需求定做的VR主題樂園方案,并提供從項目分析,方案設計,裝修設計,設備提供,安裝設服務,售后維護,影片更新等一條龍的服務,讓客戶輕松獲得高科技帶來的財富回報。此外,我司擁有一支國外400人的影片制作團隊,在教育,旅游和消防應用等方面均有經驗。Jamma Amusement Technology LTD CO., has been developing and producing 5D/7D motion cinema since 2009, which make us very professional in server controlling system and electric system. In 2015, with the development of virtual reality technology, we were the first companies that started to apply VR into game industry and launched lots of popular VR devices, now we have 9D VR cinema series, VR station with HTC Vive series, sports VR series and kiddie VR series.Our factory is located in Panyu, Guangzhou, which is the center of game machines, its transportation is very convenient. With our professional software and hardware team and designer team, we can offer customized VR theme park plan and at the same time provide one-stop service in project analysis, plan designing, decoration designing, device supply, installation, device maintenance and VR contents updating, which let the clients easily get high investment return from the new technology.Besides, we have an overseas game team with 400 people, which specialize in development of VR game making, also we can make VR contents in application of education, tourism and firefighting industry.