克萊伯電氣系德資背景公司,上海母公司成立于2006年,是一家集研發、設計、制造與銷售為一體的高科技企業,系自動化細分行業龍頭公司,涉及高端自動化生產線、設備、機器人、抓手、治具等,核心產品有超長壽命免維護吸盤、高端氣動夾鉗等,擁有全部知識,產品可與德美等高端產品相媲美。公司目前處于迅速發展與快速擴張時期,在長春、北京、成都、重慶、武漢、廣州都設有分支機構,將在本地投資設廠,建立先進的加工與研發基地,公司急需有想法、有抱負、有團隊精神的精英加入,一起發展壯大。KRUPP of German background company, the parent company of Shanghai was founded in 2006, is a leading companies involved in the automatic production line, equipment, robot, gripper, fixture, core products such as long life vaccum cups, pneumatic clamp, with all the knowledge. The company is currently in rapid development and rapid expansion period, has branches in Beijing, Chengdu, Changchun, Chongqing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, companies need guy that have ideas, ambition and team spirit to join us, grow together.