1. 根據公司業務發展需求,對指定項目的行業、市場及公司進行深入業務調研,撰寫并制作整合營銷策劃方案。
2. 積極主動與項目組進行項目溝通,明確項目目標及需求并跟進項目推進進度。
3. 定期進行行業案例分析和市場研究,編制案例報告,為策略制定提供數據支持。
4. 探索并應用AI工具以提升團隊工作效率和創造力。
5. 對項目推進的結果負責,確保策劃方案的實施與預期目標一致。
Main Responsibilities:
1. Conduct in-depth research on industries, markets, and companies for designated projects to draft and produce integrated marketing plans.
2. Proactively communicate with project teams to clarify objectives and requirements, and follow up on project progress.
3. Regularly analyze industry cases and conduct market research to compile reports that inform strategy development.
4. Explore and utilize AI tools to enhance team productivity and creativity.
5. Be accountable for project outcomes, ensuring the implementation of planning aligns with set objectives.
1. 具有創新思維和好奇心,對新趨勢敏感,具備跨學科學習能力,持續自我提升。
2. 至少3年咨詢、市場調研或廣告營銷策劃工作經驗,有知名咨詢公司、市場研究機構或市場營銷機構背景者優先。
3. 本科及以上學歷,市場營銷、廣告、新聞、商品企劃等相關專業優先,碩士或海外經歷者優先考慮。
4. 精通Office軟件,尤其擅長Keynote和PPT制作,能夠利用這些工具創造視覺沖擊力強的內容。
5. 良好的英文讀寫能力,雙語工作能力者優先,能夠無障礙地在多語言環境中工作。
6. 具有優秀的審美和表達能力,能夠通過創意和設計提升品牌價值。
7. 具備出色的邏輯思維能力和數據分析理解洞察力,能夠將原始數據轉化為可行的策略。
8. 強烈的責任心和結果導向,能夠在壓力下保持高效率和高質量的工作輸出。
Job Requirements:
1. Innovative thinking and curiosity, sensitive to new trends, with the ability to learn across disciplines and commit to continuous self-improvement.
2. At least 3 years of experience in consulting, market research, or advertising planning, with a background in well-known consulting firms, market research institutions, or marketing agencies preferred.
3. Bachelor’s degree or above, with a major in marketing, advertising, journalism, product planning, or related fields preferred, with a master’s degree or overseas experience being a plus.
4. Proficiency in Office software, with a strong ability to create presentations in Keynote and PowerPoint that have a strong visual impact.
5. Good English reading and writing skills, with bilingual capabilities preferred, able to work seamlessly in a multilingual environment.
6. Excellent aesthetic and expressive abilities, able to enhance brand value through creativity and design.
7. Demonstrated logical thinking and data analysis skills with the ability to transform raw data into actionable strategies.
8. A strong sense of responsibility and results-oriented approach, able to maintain high efficiency and quality of work output under pressure.
上海 - 普陀
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利怡達商業置業(上海)有限公司上海 - 嘉定
益客集團上海 - 浦東
北京科銳國際人力資源股份有限公司蘇州分公司上海 - 靜安
北京筆克聯動咨詢有限公司上海 - 青浦