北京跨歐亞國際貨運代理有限公司于2010年在北京注冊成立,主營中國(過境中國)至歐洲、俄羅斯及中亞地區的國際多式聯運業務,是國家“一帶一路”倡議的踐行者。作為在中歐班列業務領域已深耕多年的公司,主要在武漢、西安、金華、濟南、大連、廈門等中歐班列線路上為全球頂尖的物流企業提供服務。公司現有員工200余人,在石家莊、西安、天津、大連、俄羅斯莫斯科以及哈薩克斯坦阿拉木圖設有分(子)公司。姊妹公司跨歐亞德國有限公司(TE Germany GmbH)分別在德國柏林、杜伊斯堡、紐倫堡、慕尼黑、薩斯尼茨,波蘭馬拉舍維奇、波茲南設有分(子)公司及辦事處。We were founded in Beijing in 2010 with main business on multi-modal transportation between China(or transit via China) to Russia, Central Asia and Europe. As the first pioneering company engaging on CR Express business and practitioner of“The Belt and Road Initiative”, we have rich experience on block train organization and operation. Now we are serving as rail operator for Wuhan, Xi’an, Jinan, Jinhua and Xiamen block train. With existing employees over 200, we and our sister company TE Germany GmbH have 14 subsidiaries in China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany and Poland respectively.