天津德科智控股份有限公司成立于2009年,是一家車輛智能駕駛線控技術研發商,專注于車規級線控技術研發與批量產品落地,實現車輛的高級輔助駕駛(ADAS),助力L4級自動駕駛技術在低速場景及商用車領域的應用落地,已成為國內智能駕駛線控技術領軍企業。德科智控是國內最早從事電動助力轉向系統研究的公司之一,公司創始團隊深耕線控底盤技術,歷經二十余年的研發,已實現從電動助力產品到智能線控產品的量產。公司已擁有L4級車輛智能駕駛線控冗余算法,L2-L4級線控智能硬件平臺,車規級線控轉向系統,車規級線控電液轉向系統,電動助力轉向系統,電液助力轉向系統等產品。德科智控擁有硬件、算法,傳感器和電機三大核心技術。擁有獨立的總裝車間、無塵無靜電恒溫恒濕控制器總裝車間、高效的電機生產線以及完整的實驗室。公司還獲得了歐盟的ECE認證及IATF16949質量體系認證。德科智控與合作伙伴建立了良好的合作關系,連續6年保持同行業出口第一名,產品在多個細分領域保持第一。德科智控已和數十家行業頭部企業戰略合作,服務多家高校無人駕駛團隊,助力合作伙伴的L4級無人車產品商業化落地和規模化交付,在智慧城市物流、L4級自主代客泊車、無人駕駛礦車、無人駕駛割草機、無人邊防巡邏車、商用車ADAS等多個場景中率先落地。 DECO Automotive Co., Ltd. was established in 2009, focusing on the development, production and sales of electric power steering system for various vehicles. Currently, DECO has achieved vehicle standard level of steering by wire system and started mass production and achieved the advanced assisted driving(ADAS) of vehicles and promote the application of L4 autonomous driving technology in low-speed scenarios and commercial vehicles. Deco has become a domestic leader in smart driving steering system. Deco is one of the earliest companies engaged in the research of electric power steering systems. The founding team has deeply cultivated the wire-controlled chassis technology for many years.Deco’s responsibility is to meet the needs of vehicle electrification and intelligence, and to realize the safety and reliability of chassis wire-controlled products. DECO has the redundant algorithm for L4 smart driving SBW system, hardware platform for L2-L4 smart driving steering system. DECO had developed Vehicle standard level of SBW, SBEH, EPS, and EPS.