Company: Shenzhen E-Lover Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative company involved in R&D, manufacturing and marketing LED Products. Products: LED Flood Light/ LED High bay/ LED Street Light/ LED Tunnel Light/ T8/ LED Down Light/ LED Panel Light/ LED Spot Light/ LED Bulb Market: Worldwide with key market Europe& Australia& America. Website: Value: We follow& believe"Be inventive and excellent". Enterprise Vision: To become a most professional supplier for LED illumination solution Enterprise mission: Using light to promote the competitiveness of the business environment Marketing Aim: high quality, delivery on time,honest attitude Management philosophy: Rule by law, Scientific educating conception, Goal orientation, translating the goals of desired value into the actions Enterprise Spirit: Honesty, Professionalism, Pragmatic, innovation深圳市億徠爾科技有限公司是一家集研發,生產,銷售于一體的專業化LED照明公司。公司在發展過程中不斷引進先進的生產設備和優秀的技術管理人才,為企業的長遠發展奠定堅實的基礎。公司主要產品包括辦公照明,家庭照明,商業照明,工業照明,LED道路工程照明,LED戶外照明等。深圳市億徠爾科技有限公司是一家年輕的公司,更是一家不斷適應市場變化、不斷創新的公司。只要肯學習,愿意成長,這里便是實現你我共同夢想的舞臺。公司愿景:引領LED行業的發展,成為改變世界照明的重要力量公司使命:為全球客戶提供LED照明解決方案核心價值觀:自主創新誠信經營開拓進取合作共贏億徠爾家族是一幫積極上進,志向遠大,容易溝通的80后,如果你有夢想,就和我們一起創造更大的夢想。如果您想體現你的價值,你想在接下來幾年比你的同學,朋友拿到更高工資和更多經驗積累,請帶上您的簡歷到深圳市寶安區石巖街道鎮石龍仔欣旺達工業園15樓A座來面試吧!我們期待著積極向上,敢吃苦,愛學習,心態樂觀的您來加入我們