上海舜瀛物業管理有限公司是一家全方位提供物業托管,保安、保潔服務,小區綠化的專業物業管理公司。公司以“服務業主,追求完美,銳意創新,管理規范”為目標,為業主創造一個安全、舒適、寧靜、優美的居住環境。舜,意取上古帝王舜之至德,以德求發展。我們以最優異的職業道德操守,為客戶帶來最優質的服務以及最優越的物業管理體驗。公司以海納百川的氣概,招賢納士,建立起了高效,專業的服務隊伍,為客戶創造價值的同時獲得自身成長,實現瀛寰共贏。 Shunying is a comprehensive professional property management company and the provision of the property is managed, security, cleaning services and community greening. To service,"the pursuit of perfection, considerable innovation and management standards”, for the owners of creating a safe, comfortable and quiet and elegant surroundings. The word“Shun(舜)”is from the ancient Chinese emperor, which means take the highest virtue for developing. For customers, we provide the high-quality service and the best property management experience. Our company has many excellent employees to build up a professional service team. Create value for customer, and achieve double-win enterprise.