(首頁)博雷中國博雷中國是博雷國際(總部位于美國休斯敦)的全資子公司。博雷(中國)控制系統有限公司是博雷國際在中國的閥門生產基地,投資總額3080萬美金,注冊資金1600萬美金。公司占地面積80畝,廠房面積4.3萬M2。現有員工400余人。公司歷史博雷中國創立于1995年。隨著公司的快速成長和持續發展,我們于2000年12月設立了新工廠――博雷浙江;于2006年9月再度組建新公司,冠名博雷中國,并于2009年3月搬遷至擴建后的新廠址――即當前地址。產品認證博雷中國專業生產系列蝶閥、球閥、止回閥及控制系統產品。產品符合ISO、ANSI、BS、DIN、JIS等標準要求,并通過了ABS美國船級社,CCS中國船級社,和PED勞式船級社認證,以及CE認證。目前公司正在積極籌備ASME核電認證,預期在不久的將來大舉進入核電領域。質量認證博雷中國還榮獲了一系列質量管理體系認證:ISO9001質量管理體系認證、ISO14001環境管理體系認證、以及TSG壓力管道認證。設備設施公司擁有技術先進的機床設備,如進口數控車床、臥式加工中心、立式加工中心、以及車床、鏜床、銑床、鉆床等常規加工設備;主要檢驗設備有進口三坐標測量儀、輪廓投影儀、漏電檢測儀、水壓測試機以及材料試驗室等;公司采用全球一體化的MK軟件管理采購、生產、倉貯與銷售。產品應用公司可以提供鑄鐵、球墨鑄鐵、不銹鋼、碳鋼、青銅、鎳基合金等不同材質的閥門產品,滿足不同領域的特殊需求。博雷產品被廣泛運用在包括石油、化工、釀造、食品、醫藥、造紙、紡織、水處理、船舶、冶金、電力、能源、樓宇等多種行業及不同領域。我們的經營理念:安全生產,向客戶準時提供高品質的產品與服務秉承此理念,博雷中國從成立至今獲得了巨大成功,并將繼續致力于向客戶提供高品質的閥門和流體控制產品,爭取更大成功。 Bray China is a subsidiary of Bray International(BII), World Headquarters, Houston, Texas, USA. Bray( China) Controls Co., Ltd. is the production basis of BII for valves& control systems in China, with investment capital$30.80 M, registration capital 16M. The total land area of the factory is about 80Mu, shopfloor 43,000M2. There’re about 400 employees. History and DevelopmentBray China was founded in 1995. With rapid growth and development, we witnessed founding of Bray Zhejiang in 2000, and operation of Bray China new factory in 2006, soon afterwards we moved to the new location– the current address in 2009. Product ApprovalBray China is specialized in manufacturing butterfly valves, ball valves, check valves, and control systems in complied with ISO, ANSI, BS, DIN, JIS standards and requirements. We have acquired CCS, ABS, PED shipping certificates, and CE certificates. Now we are ready for applying ASME certificate, with which, we are expecting to stride into Nuclear field in the near future. Quality ManagementBray China has obtained Quality Management System Certificates/License:ISO9001 Quality Assurance SystemISO14001 Environmental Assurance System CertificationTSG License for Pressure Vessel Equipment and FacilityBray China has technically advanced processing equipments, including CNC lathe, horizontal& vertical work center, universal lathe, boring machine, milling machine, drilling machine, etc. The main test and inspection facilities including CMM, measure projector, electrical leakage detector, test rack and material test lab. We are using on-line MK soft wire world-wide for the control of purchasing, manufacturing, stocking and shipping. Industry and MarketWe are able to supply products of various materials, including cast iron, ductile iron, stainless steel, carbon steel, bronze, nickel-based alloy, etc. to meet different market requirements. Bray products are widely applied to industries& markets like chemical, petro-chemical, brewery, food, pharmacy, paper, textile, water treatment, marine, steel, power plant, energy, HVAC, etc. We must ensure safety production and on time delivery of products and services to our customers of superior value and quality. We have achieved great success ever since establishment of Bray China. We will continue to meet our customer’s satisfaction and reach for even greater success.