上海科泰信息技術有限公司(原名上海科泰通信設備有限公司)成立于1993年12月29日。公司現有員工一百多人,公司決策層中碩士及碩士以上學歷占80%。公司主要以PDH、SDH光傳輸和寬帶數據等多個系列產品為主。通過近幾年的發展,上海科泰公司逐漸成為大型通信設備制造商的配套設備供應商。上海科泰以"技術、創新、行動、管理"為公司的經營理念,形成公司的發展戰略。公司未來幾年的目標是創建擁有獨立研發力量、提供光通信、數據通信產品和服務的高科技企業;強調"以專業的角色與強手合作",提供從生產測試到用戶工程服務的全套業務,實現公司經營的多元化。科泰公司提倡以人為本,促進員工與公司的共同發展.為員工提供多元化的職業發展途徑和有競爭力的薪資福利. Cortelco(Shanghai) was founded in December 1993. There are more than 100 persons in the company with the average age 28. And 80% of top managers are above bachelor degree.The main products are PDH, SDH optical transmission and wide band data series. With the rapid development,Cortelco(Shanghai) becomes a subsidiary equipment supplier of the large-scale telecom equipment manufacturer.In the near future, we strive to establish independent R&D and provide professional products and service in optical and digital telecom field. We also commit ourselves to'cooperate with the giant'and intend to find out own stable customers. Cortelco Shanghai also provided total service from production and testing to project service in order to diversify the corporate business.