G7易流,是全球領先的物聯網軟件服務公司,致力于提升產業生產力,讓所有產業貢獻者感受物流數字化帶來的美好改變。面向生產制造與消費物流行業的貨主及貨運經營者提供軟硬一體、全鏈貫通的SaaS 服務,包括訂閱服務(車隊管理、安全管理)與交易服務(數字貨運、數字能源、智能裝備、物聯保險),幫助他們提升企業經營效率、降低成本、改善安全,從而獲得持續的增長和商業成功。
As a world-leading IoT software services provider, G7 Connect is committed to a highly digitized productivity that benefits all contributors to the logistics industry. We provide software and hardware support, as well as end-to-end SaaS services, for shippers and freight operators in the manufacturing and consumer logistics industries to power sustained growth and business success. Our offering includes subscription-based services (e.g., fleet management and security management) and transaction services (e.g., digital freight, digital energy, smart equipment, and IoT-related insurance), which help business clients boost their efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance security.
Our customers include 80% of the top-tier shippers and more than 40,000 small and medium-sized logistics service providers. Today, more than 5 million IoT devices that are applied in diverse fields have been connected to our platform, contributing to more than 97 million freight-related requests and more than 143 million API calls daily. G7 Connect has become the largest road freight service provider and the largest integrated digital service platform in China.